My favourite research topics regard QoS issues in TLC, Channel modeling, VANETs and Mobility prediction.

I was born in Catanzaro in 1977. I took my master’s degree in Computer Engineering in 2004 at University of Calabria (UNICAL) with my thesis named “A New Algorithm of Rate Adaptation and Call Admission Control for QoS Optimization in Wireless Networks with a Slow Fading Channel”. At the end of 2004 I started my Ph.D. activity in Electronics and Communications Engineering at UNICAL on mobility prediction, channel modeling, resource reservation and vehicular communications. I took my Ph.D. in 2008 with my thesis titled “Resource Reservation Protocol and Predictive Algorithms for QoS support in Wireless Environments”, resuming my main research results in a dissertation on Markovian channel modeling in wireless networks, resource reservation protocols, utility-based rate adaptation, user mobility statistical analysis and prediction with unconventional approaches. My Ph.D. supervisor has been Prof. Salvatore Marano (now retired). In the middle of 2008 I have been Research Fellow at the “Universidad Politecnica” of Valencia (UPV) for several months, in order to make some post-doc research on vehicular networks and, in particular, the multi-channel structure of MAC in VANETs. My external fellowship supervisors have been Prof. Pietro Manzoni and Prof. Carlos Calafate. In the period September-October 2008 I participated to the european ORACOLO project with an idea called “Winets: Wireless Information Networks for Enhanced Telecommunication services”. At the end of 2008 and in the first months of 2009 I have been involved in two italian research and development PON projects (PROMIS and AUTOMA) as supervisor and developer in Java, C++ and Linux OS Debian-like. In the PROMIS project (related to the application of RF-ID technology in hostile environments) I developed some skills in the field of RF-ID positioning and location management, with particular attention to the confidentiality analysis and preservation in the local RF-ID segment. In the AUTOMA project (related to the study and development of a distributed system with different technologies and protocols, such as UMTS, WLAN and AODV) I faced some research issues about the integration of different communication technologies, with particular attention to the service reliability during forwarding operations between local AODV segment and cellular communications. From 2010 to 2013 I have been a post-doc research fellow at DIMES DEPT. (UNICAL), making some research studies and delivering lectures about telecommunication systems. In the same period I also got the CISCO instructor CCNA exploration certification (CISCO-CCNAe). In 2012 I have been awarded by StartCup Calabria 2012 as member of the developing team of the Intelligent Remote Controller (IRC); for the same idea, in November 2012 I participated to Premio Nazionale Innovazione (PNI) and in June 2013 I participated to the final stage of the Intel Business Challenge Europe (IBCE2013). From September 2013 I have been Assistant Professor at DIMES DEPT. In October 2014 I participated to StartCup Calabria 2014 as member of the developing team and co-founder of SPITCH; for the same idea, the team has been awarded with the Lamarck award in November 2014, during SMAU CALABRIA 2014. In March 2015 I co-managed the SPITCH stand at the SMAU BERLIN 2015. I have been involved in the I-CONTACT research and development PON italian project, regarding the wide-band distribution in different local places, and the SMARTEL research and development project, regarding the physical security in logistic places (I have been the academic supervisor for this porject). For the I-CONTACT project I made research activity on VoIP communications (managed through PBX and Asterisk trunks), digital flows control and security/attack risks in distributed environments. For the SMARTEL project I faced many problems about RF-ID and GPS technologies. Since October 2015 I continued my postDOC position at UNICAL, being also involved in the DOMUS ENERGY/SECURITY PON project. Since Semptember 2016 I continued my research activity, while being a middle-school Technology teacher at the IC Brugnera Institute. In the meanwhile, form 2017 to today, I developed strong research collaborations with the VSB-TUO Technical University of Ostrava and its Department of Telecommunications, with Prof. Miroslav Voznak (I have been also a Research Fellow there for six months in 2019) and the University of Sarajevo and its Department of Telecommunications (Bosnia and Erzegovina) with Prof. Miralem Mehic, especially in the field of Mobility analysis and Quantum Key Distribution Networks (QKDNs).
From January 2021 I became an Assistant Professor (and the reference Professor for the GSD 09/IINF-03 – IINF-03/A SSD, ex 09/A2 – ING-INF/03 SSD) at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems (DSMN), delivering lectures on telecommunications to both bachelor’s and master’s degrees Physics Engineering courses. Since 2021 I am member of the Research and Orienteering Steering Committes of the DSMN. Since October 2022 I am member of the of the Steering Committee of the Doctoral Course Computer Science at the DAIS of University of Venice. I got more than 140 publications about wireless communications, ad-hoc and vehicular networks, QKDNs, mobility prediction. My research interests include also mobile communication networks, QoS architectures and internetworking (see “My research” and “Academia” pages for more details). From the end of 2021, I am member of the Electronics and Telecom Lab (E&T Lab) of the DSMN – Ca’ Foscari. From 1st January 2024 I became an Associate Professor at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems (DSMN), Ca’ Foscari’s CNIT Representative member and Ca’ Foscari’s One6G Representative member.